friends(フレンズ)season2 episode 21 The One With the Bullies -1





それでは、途中からですが、friends season2 episode 21からです!

Let’s get started!

friends season2 episode21


Monica, Why are we watching the business channel?

Oh, because (I was going) by the other day I saw there was a stock with my initials— M.E.G.

Sometimes I have to watch for hours before it comes up again.

But when it does, it’s pretty exciting.

Hmm… Okay, honey, you really need a job.

Mon, I’m speaking with dad. he says he knows someone you can call for an interview.

Okay, right there. That’s the third sign today, right there.

On behalf of everyone, I’d just like to say, “heh?”

‘cause, you just said “dad.” And everywhere I go today, I keep getting signs telling me to go see my father. Like, when I was walking over here, and I passed a buffet, which is my father’s last name. And they were serving franks which is his first name minus the “s” at the end. and there was a rotisserie with a spinning chicken.

his indian name?

No, because I chickened out the last time when I tried to meet him. So, I mean, coincidences? I don’t think so.

Who wants the last hamburger?

All right, that’s it. now I have to go see him.


Hamburger. McDonald’s. Old McDonald had a farm. My dad was a pharmacist.


Man, I am so beat. oh, yeah.

Hey, you want to just forget about racquetball and hang out here?

Yeah, all right.

Hey, you’re in our seats.

Oh, sorry, we didn’t know.

Hey, we were sitting there.

Okay, there is one more way to say it. Who knows it?

Was that supposed to be funny?

No, Actually, I was just going for colorful.

What’s with this guy?

What’s with you?

Nothing’s with him. Enjoy your coffee.

What just happened?

I just took your hat. See, I can be funny too. My joke is that I took your hat.

That … That is funny. Can I have it back?


Okay. Okay. You know what? I think you’ve very funny. Kudos on that hat joke. But come on, guys. Just give him back the hat.

Why should we?

Because it’s a special hat. See, he bought it because he was feeling really down one day. So he got the hat to cheer himself up, you know? Now, Chandler, you wouldn’t …

Stop talking. Stop talking now.

Let me get this straight. You’re actually stealing my hat?

You got a problem with that?

No, just want to make sure we’re on the same page.


Hey, how did the interview go?

It bit. It was a ’50s theme restaurant. I’d have to cook in a costume and dance on the counter. I mean I was a sous-chef at Cafe des Artistes. I mean how could I take a job where I have to make something called “laverne & curly fries”?

So don’t do it.

How can I not do it? I have $127 in the bank!

Monica, relax. Go get a beer.

I don’t want a beer!

Who said it was for you?


What’s the matter with you?

These mean guys at the coffee house took my hat.

No. You’re kidding.

It was ridiculous. You know, these guys were bullies. Actual bullies, you know? We’re grown-ups. This kind of stuff isn’t supposed to happen anymore.


Oh, no, wait a minute I have no one.

Let’s go down there and get your hat back.

Ah, forget it. It’s probably stripped and sold for parts by now.

Hey! I went up.


My stock.

M.E.G. it went up two points.

Do you realize that if I had invested my $127 in myself yesterday that I’d like to have a lot more than that today?

I’m going to do it.

Do what?

Put all my money in me.

Monica, what do you talking about? You don’t know the first thing about the stock market.

What’s to know?

Buy! sell! high! low! bears! bulls! Yes, Manhattan. Yeah, telephone number of the stock… selling…store.


See? Didn’t I tell you these pillows would be a good idea?

Oh, god. Here we go. For the first time in my life I’m going to say, “Hi, birth father.”

We love you. We’re here for you. Good luck.


Hey, Rach, you want some sandwich?

Oh, what is in that?

Olive loaf and ham spread, no mayo.

No, no, because mayo, that would make it gross.

Hey, no!

Run, Phoebe!

No, doggie! No, please!

I do so want to love all animals. No, back off.

A bone! You got a bone?

Are you kidding?

Look! Kibbles! Bits! Let go! Get the hell off my leg. You yippity piece of crap!

Okay. All right. We have a problem.

Why don’t you just reach out and take his trampoline?

Okay, here, I know what we can do.

Hey, no!

Okay, doggie! Get the sandwich! Okay. Get the sandwich, doggie! Good doggie! Get the sandwich! Joey, the dog will lick himself but he will not touch your sandwich. What does that tell you?

If he’s not going to eat it, I will.

Are you crazy?

Pheebs, he’s just a little dog.




Do you have to be a century 21 real estate agent to get to wear those really cool jackets?

Do you say this stuff to girls?

Hey, isn’t that the guy who used to wear your hat?

And look where they’re sitting.

You’re joking right? You guys just walked through the door.

Maybe we didn’t make it clear enough.


This couch belongs to us.

I’ll tell you what. You call the couch and then we’ll call the couch and we’ll see who it comes to.

You know what I keep wondering why you two are still sitting here.

All right, that’s it! I have had enough of this, all right? Gunther! These guys are trying to take our seats.

Fellas, these guys were here first.

Oh, sorry, didn’t realize.

There you go.

Thank you, Gunther. We didn’t want to have to go and do that.

He told on us?

You told on us?

Well, pal, you didn’t give me much of a choice.

Don’t play with his things.

I know.

All right, let’s take this outside.

“Let’s take this outside?” Who talks like that?

A guy who’s about kick your ass talks like that.

You had to ask.

Yeah. Okay, okay, look. See, the thing is, we’re not going to fight you guys.

Then here is the deal. You won’t have to so long as you never ever show your faces in this coffee house ever again.

I think you played the Gunther card too soon.


Hey, Pheebs, I think you’re good to go.

Yeah, I don’t know.

What’s the matter?

I just think that this was a really bad sign. You know, I mean, like, “The beast at the threshold.” It’s just, I have, like, no family left. I mean, except for my grandmother. But let’s face it, she’s not going to be around forever. Despite what she said. And I have a sister who I’ve barely spoken to since we, like, shared a womb. I don’t know. This is my real father. And I just… I want things to be, like, just right.

Yeah, Phoebe, I completely understand. Yeah, whatever you need. Hey, you want to go home?

Okay, Thanks. Sorry again. What was that?

uh… I’m guessing the threshold’s clear now.

I want to buy five shares of S.G.J. and I want them now. Time is money, my friend. Thank you. Whoo!

“Time is money, my friend”?

Yeah, you missed “Takes money to make money” and “Don’t make me come down there and kick your wall-street butt.”

Hey, I made $17 before breakfast. What have you done?

Well, I had breakfast here. So technically, I saved 3.50.

How did you make $17?

Well, my financially challenged friends, I split my money and I bought some shares of C.H.P. and Z.X.Y.

How come those?

Well? C.H.P., because I used to have a crush on Erik Estrada and Z.X.Y., because I think it sounds zexy.

What happened to M.E.G.?

M.E.G. was good for me, but I dumped her. My motto is “Get out before they go down.”

That is so not my motto.