friends(フレンズ)season2 episode 21 The One With the Bullies -2



friends season2 episode21-2


Oh, hey, how’s the dog?

I talked to the vet. People are so nice upstate. Anyway, he said the little fella’s going to be okay and I can pick him up tomorrow.

Thank god.

But he did have to have, like, a bunch of stitches and he said that only once in a blue moon does a dog’s ear grow back. So still hoping.

Okay, so phoebe, now are you going to call your dad to let him know that his dog is okay?

I don’t want to meet my father over the phone. What am I going to say? Like, “Hi. I’m Phoebe, the daughter you abandoned. Oh, by the way, I broke your dog.”

Well, hey, Pheebs, if you want, I’ll do it.

Okay. Listen, just don’t say anything about me, Okay?

All right.

Don’t! be too long with the phone.

She’ll be a much better friend once the market closes.

It’s a woman.

So, talk to her.

Hello, Mrs. Buffay. I know where your dog is and I want you to know he’ll be returned to you almost as good as new within 24 hours. Goodbye.

Why the voice?

Hard to say.

Your cappuccino, sir.

Thank you.

You know, I think this is much better than the coffee house.


How come it’s not mixing with the water?

The package says you have to constantly keep it moving. Stir and drink. Stir and drink. Never let it settle.

Hey, this is ridiculous. I’ll tell you what, after I get back, from my niece’s christening I’ll go down to the coffee house with you and we’ll all have a nice cup of coffee, all right? No problem, Joey’s there.


No. I don’t want to have Joey with me every time I want a decent cup of coffee, you know, and I don’t want to spend the rest of my life drinking cappuccino with a “K”. I say you and I go back there and stand up to those guys.

All right. Hang on a second there, Custer.

Really. Ross, have you ever been beaten up before?

Yeah, sure.

By someone besides Monica?

No. So what? So what if we get beaten up? Maybe that’s just something every man has to go through once in his life. You know, like a rite of passage or something.

Well, couldn’t we just lose our virginities again? You know, because I think, actually, mine’s growing back.


Need to borrow a hundred bucks.


Hi. Welcome home. I need to borrow a hundred bucks.

For what?

I got to get back in the game.

When did you get out of the game?

I don’t know. I lost it all, Okay? I lost it.

Oh, no.

Hey, I’ve come to terms with it. You have to too.

Okay. Look, uh… Mon, I’m really sorry.

Where are we on the hundred bucks?

I don’t have it.

But I need it! Otherwise, I’m going to have to take that horrible diner job. You know, with the dancing and the costumes. I don’t want to have to wear flame-retardant boobs.

Nobody does, honey.



Shnoodle! Oh, my god! What the hell happened to my dog?

Well, it was an accident and, you know, the woman who did this would never ever hurt a dog on purpose. She’s a vegetarian.

What are these? Stitches?

Yeah, eight of them. And that’s 56 to him. You know, also, if it’s raining you can’t let him look up too long ‘cause that cone will fill up really fast.

Yeah, well, thanks for bringing back what’s left of him.

Is frank home?

How do you know frank?

Just from a long time ago. Is he here?

Yeah. Frank?

Yeah? What?

Oh, okay. Um, I mean frank, senior.

He went out for groceries.

So will he be back soon?

Well, he left four years ago so we’re expecting him back any minute now.

All right. I’m going to go. I’m sorry… about the dog, everything. I’m sorry.

Hey, Lady. Wait up. How do you know my dad?

Um, well, I don’t really. Just genetically. He’s kind of my dad too.


Yeah. So, um… did he ever talk about me — Phoebe?

Nah, but he didn’t really talk about anything.


Except stilts.


Yeah. He loved stilts. This one time I was upstairs I was stealing cigarettes out of my mom’s purse and, uh, all of a sudden, I look over and there’s my dad’s head bobbing past the window. He just had this big smile on his face and he was waving, ‘cause he was always happiest when he was on his stilts.



I don’t know what to do with that.

Me neither.

So, you’re, like, my big sister?


This is huge. You can buy me beer.

I’m not gonna.


But you know what’s cool? Okay. If you had a friend named Pete then I could say, “Yeah, I know Pete. He’s friends with my brother.”

I got a friend named Mark.

That’ll work too.

Cool. All right. So… Maybe, you know. I can give you a call sometime. We could talk or something.

Yeah. That’d be okay.

All right.

I’m in the book. So, um, stilts, huh?

Yeah. If you want I can take you around back and show you where he hit his head on the rain gutter.



Well, we did it. We’re here. We are standing our ground. How long does a cup of coffee take?

Would you come on?! Come on! Thank you. Well, there we go.

I think we proved our point.

You burn your mouth?

Cannot feel my tongue.

Bullies. Big bullies.

Oh, look who’s here. It’s the weenies.

Did we not make ourselves clear the other day?

Yeah, and that’s why we’re here.

Yes. We’re standing our ground. apparently.

Let’s do this.

What do you got? A weapon?

It’s a nice watch. I don’t want to break it on your ribs.

All right, let’s do this. Question. If I don’t care about my watch can I use it as a weapon?

What do you mean? Well, It’s sharp. It’s metal. I think I can do some you know, serious damage with it.

No, you can’t use your watch.


Or your keys.


Look, here’s what we’ll do. We’ll put all keys and watches in the hat over there.

All right.

All right, come on, man! Let’s do this already!

Before I forget, are we hitting faces?

Of course we’re hitting faces. Why wouldn’t you hit faces?

Well, because I have to work on Monday. I have a big presentation.

You know, I got to show this apartment tomorrow and, you know, this no-faces thing might not be a bad idea.

Okay. Nothing from the neck up.

All right.

Or the waist down. Dana’s ovulating.

Oh really, you guys trying again?


So let me just get this straight. So, we’re strictly talking about the middle?

Come on!

You want some of this, huh?! You want a piece of this, huh? I’m standing here!

Hey, hey! those guys are taking our stuff!


Get out of the way!

Look out!

God! That was amazing. That was incredible. You guys kicked butt.

Us? What about you guys? Man, you really gave it to old Mr. Clean back there. He was a big guy.

Yeah, he was, wasn’t he?

I wouldn’t know, having missed everything.

Don’t do that to yourself.

Anyone of us could have tripped over that little girl’s jump rope.

So, listen, guys, are we, uh… Are we okay here?

We’re okay.

Okay. So, can I have my hat back?



Look at her.

Hi, Monica. How’s it going?

Hey, nice boobs.

Guys, guys check this out.